Old School Tuesday: Muhammad Ali knockouts

If you are a regular follower of this blog you know Muhammad Ali is my favorite athlete of all time. Float like a butterfly sting like a bee no athlete captures the imagination like Muhammad Ali. The following video is some of his knock outs, for a man who made a living jabbing and dancingContinue reading “Old School Tuesday: Muhammad Ali knockouts”

2006 Mets vs Cards NLCS “the Catch”

2006 was a bitter sweet season for Met fans. The Mets were dominate in National League the y won their division by a wide margin and Met fans felt good about the team’s post season’s chances. The first round went well, the next round they did well again. Then the face the St Louis CardinalsContinue reading “2006 Mets vs Cards NLCS “the Catch””

Old School Tuesday: Bo Jackson 2 sport star

Welcome to old school Tuesday where we go back in time and take a brief look at some of sports greatest and not so latest legends in Boxing, Baseball, Football and basketball. To start of we look back on…Bo Jackson There was Bo Jackson the Football star and Bo Jackson the Baseball star and yesContinue reading “Old School Tuesday: Bo Jackson 2 sport star”

Monday Morning Quarterbacking: Giants finally get a win

What happens when a 1-4 team meets a 0-6 team? Someone has to win someone has to lose. It wasn’t pretty and it wasn’t the Giants signature game but when you are 0-6 and sinking fast, you take the win. The Giants can’t be giddy about the win, and maybe this will be the startContinue reading “Monday Morning Quarterbacking: Giants finally get a win”

Monday Morning Quarterbacking: Geno beats Brady and his Bunch and Colts beat Manning with alot of Luck

What a crazy weekend of football in the NFL. On a day that saw Tom Brady lose to Geno Smith and the Jets 30-27, the Colts beat Peyton Manning and the Broncos 39-33 in a game that was crazy to the end. At one point the Broncos trailed by as many as 12 points andContinue reading “Monday Morning Quarterbacking: Geno beats Brady and his Bunch and Colts beat Manning with alot of Luck”

Jim Leyland steps down as Tiger manager

Jim Leyland won’t return as manager of the Detroit Tigers next season, a decision he made on his own in September, when he met with Dave Dombrowski and told the team’s general manager “it was time,” Leyland said Monday morning during a news conference. “I’m not totally retiring today, I just don’t want to beContinue reading “Jim Leyland steps down as Tiger manager”

St Louis Cardinals win the 2013 National League Pennant

It doesn’t matter who wears the Cardinal colors it seems that once they wear them something magical happens. If you don’t believe me look at Albert Pujois and Carlos Beltran. Nothing could be more stark than those two. Pujois for 10 years was by far the best hitter in the national league and was Mr.Continue reading “St Louis Cardinals win the 2013 National League Pennant”

Report: Cuban first baseman Jose Abreu nearing record-breaking six-year, $68 million deal

According to Fox Sports Ken Rosenthal, Cuban first baseman Jose Abreu is nearing a six-year, $68M deal with a major league team believed to be the Chicago White Sox. If the numbers hold and the deal becomes official, it would be the largest first-time contract ever for an international player. Yes, it would be aContinue reading “Report: Cuban first baseman Jose Abreu nearing record-breaking six-year, $68 million deal”

SmallThoughts: Rants and Raves

Rants: NFL looking to add a second game on Thursday nights: For you all you business majors out there tell me how long do you think you would keep your job if you did the following? Your programing isn’t strong on Thursday night and the quality of your product is suffering because of it. SoContinue reading “SmallThoughts: Rants and Raves”

Carmelo Anthony confirms that he wants to become a free agent in 2014,make more money, feel the love

You knew Knick fans it was going to come to this. It was only a matter of time. Melo is going to opt out of his deal with the Knicks and…chase the money back to…the Knicks. According to the following published report by Kelly Dwyer of Ball Don’t lie Carmelo said as much. By KellyContinue reading “Carmelo Anthony confirms that he wants to become a free agent in 2014,make more money, feel the love”